"The 2008 Polar Music Prize is awarded to the British group Pink Floyd for their monumental contribution over the decades to the fusion of art and music in the development of popular culture. Through extensive sonic experimentation, they captured the mood and spirit of a whole generation in their reflections and attitudes. Pink Floyd managed to evolve and create exciting music and albums over the years, When rock'n'roll developed, Pink Floyd was foremost in shaping the sounds that would influence artists for ever."

POLAR MUSIC PRIZE 2008  verliehen an Rene Fleming und Pink Floyd

(Rene Fleming ist eine amerikanische Opernsängerin der Spitzenklasse)

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Nick Mason, Rene Fleming, Roger Waters Polar Prize 2008
                                                                                                                                                              ©Alexander Schuhmann [alex&er's - IMAGES]

Another Brick in the Wall?

Nick, Roger, Rene Fleming Polar Prize 2008
                                                                                                                                                              ©Alexander Schuhmann [alex&er's - IMAGES]

"Jetzt gib dir mal einen Ruck! Erst willst du den Platz tauschen und jetzt machst du auf schüchtern!"

Nick und Rog Polar Prize 2008
                                                                                                                                                               ©Alexander Schuhmann [alex&er's - IMAGES]

"Der da links hat mich gefragt, ob ich Dick van Dyke wäre!"

Roger Polar Prize 2008
                                                                                                ©Alexander Schuhmann [alex&er's - IMAGES]

Nick Mason Polar Prize 2008
                                                                                                  ©Alexander Schuhmann [alex&er's - IMAGES]

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